A Werewolf of Sorts

Over the past several years I’ve noticed a sensitivity to the full moon. No, I don’t turn into a werewolf. But I do have noticeably more energy in the days leading up to a full moon, and it’s tougher to get a good night’s sleep.

Maybe it’s all in my head; maybe I convince myself of a sensitivity and my mind makes it so. Either way, the increased energy and the sleep-deprived nights are no less real.

I don’t see it as terribly harmful, though, and there are lots of good ways to harness the energy and channel it into something good. One of those ways, as you might guess from the name of this blog, is getting on a bike and riding.

The weather, unfortunately, has not been conducive to bike riding. Oh well, as they say, that’s why they make winter bicycle gear. It’s that time of year when there’s a fair amount of tooth-gritting, especially in the first miles and the last miles.

Published by oregonmikeruby

I’m a regular guy that happens to like bicycling. I don’t look down my nose at people that don’t bike, or only bike casually, or aren’t into sacrificing their body/money/time/safety/sanity for the sake of biking. I have many other interests besides biking...but biking is the focus of this blog...other interests may come up incidentally.

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