Going to concerts again

I’ve been to several sporting events since Covid, but not a live music event until last night. I saw Lorna Shore, Mastodon, and Gojira (three metal bands, for the non-metal who may read this) with my son. I was a little nervous, but ultimately glad I went.

I just recently got over a head cold, so I don’t know if exposing my immune system to the cornucopia of germs present in a crowd of about 5,000 people was the greatest idea. But my son and I had been planning this boys’ night out for a long time, and I didn’t want to cancel it just because of an unknown possibility of catching something. We’ll see over the next week or so whether my gamble worked.

The show itself was more than worthwhile. Lorna Shore is a young band with a lot of promise and an engaging lead singer. Mastodon showed off their amazing musicianship and versatility, and sounded even more aggressive live than recorded, although I thought their sound was mixed very cleanly considering the huge venue. Gojira worked the crowd into a beautiful frenzy, combining a sonic assault with a dazzling lightshow and awesome vocal effects. All three bands feature ultra talented musicians, and the drummers especially shone brightly at the live concert.

In my younger days, I would have definitely wanted to experience the show from the floor, pushing my way forward to get as close to the stage as possible. But now I’m more than happy to enjoy the music and the stage show from the comfort of the seats. And I can save my strength for my immune system, and hopefully for cycling again soon.

Published by oregonmikeruby

I’m a regular guy that happens to like bicycling. I don’t look down my nose at people that don’t bike, or only bike casually, or aren’t into sacrificing their body/money/time/safety/sanity for the sake of biking. I have many other interests besides biking...but biking is the focus of this blog...other interests may come up incidentally.

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